“Our Coffee Bags”
As mentioned before the Look and Feel of a brand is something we spent a lot of time developing to ensure that we are not only able to share amazing stories with you from the field as podcasts, blogs, and social posts but also through our products.
This brings us to the story of our bags. After sampling 100’s of bags and looking through 1000’s design options online we decided on the bags we are currently using for the following reasons.
- The box shape is easy for us to ship multiple bags to you in one box.
- The “zip-seal” does not require any tools to open the packet in the field
- The strip seal once removed can be thrown packed into the coffee bag itself, to be thrown away at home.
- The bag is recyclable.
- The bag is a blank canvas.
Although all of these elements are essential to providing a sustainable and environmentally conscious product, for us the most exciting point is that the bag is seeing it as a blank canvas and that is where we have found “The Secret Of Our Bags”.
To use the blank spaces on our coffee bags resemble the unmarked areas between contour lines on a map, the open spaces on either side of a blue river meandering across a page or the vast open expanses shaded in a light green to represent national park space.
Our blank spaces are similar to those on the maps we love to read, they are there for you to lose yourself in, express yourself through or just wonder about what tomorrow will be.
We have designed our bags with your creative freedom in mind and encourage you to use the blank spaces to express yourself through drawing, writing, painting, sketching contours, interpreting maps, or even going so far as make it into a sparkling kids craft project at home while listening to one of our podcasts.
Whatever you decide to do it’s up to you, our bags are there for you to escape and pursue your curiosity.
Though most important of all is we want to see what you have created, post images on social media using the tag #TECbagART for us to feature your image, and follow the link to see some of the bags our friends have created and sent to us to put in our office.
To see more of “The Secret Of Our Bags” and find out how we can submit your bag to us to frame and mount in our office follow the link.
We look forward to shipping our coffees to your doorstep and you sharing your expedience’s with us.
John & Team