10% Of Our Sales Price
I recall reading the statement, “if you don’t stand for something, you will stand for nothing”.
When you think a little more about it this statement is something that would not only apply to us but is also relevant to every part of the business.
The decision for brands to stand for something has increased in recent years. For many it has been a direct result of consumer pressures, for others it’s been a decision based on their company values and for many new startups the global movement towards sustainability, green labeling, corporate transparency has become the cornerstone of their Corporate ID and Brand Development.

For us, the need to build a movement with our community based on an honest and transparent relationship is the cornerstone of our brand. The way we have interpreted the above statement is that businesses are built through what they do and why they do it.
Our What
Well, that is simple, we sell amazing bespoke coffee which aims is to get you to explore and pursue curiosity.
Our Why
Well, that is the interesting part.
This is the part that makes you a part of our brand legacy.
We sell coffee to support and fund the pursuit of Curiosity through exploration.
Every bag of coffee we sell will make a contribution on your behalf to the e4k® Curiosity Fund which aims to support and fund various projects, campaigns, and grant programs enabling others to follow their dreams.
10% Of Our Sales Price
So why £10 and why 10%, well we have decided to keep our commitment to the problem we set out to solve.
In our story, we explain that we established the coffee company to meet the funding needs of our community-based projects and we aim to honor that commitment. For this reason, we will be donating 10% of the retail price, not profits to the Curiosity Fund on your behalf.
As for the cost per packet for our coffee, well we have kept the price the same across all our blends. This will allow you to not only enjoy all that we have to offer by selling our coffee at an average price but also ensure our ongoing commitment to the fund.

Where Does the 10% go
This support will go towards the educational program supporting 100 000 learners annually through the Mobile Classroom educational program.
In addition to this, the funding will support the annual testing and distribution of 10 000 prescription-based reading glasses, through our vision for curiosity projects.
How you can give more
We welcome any assistance you can provide, the most obvious way to support the fund is buying all your coffee-related production from us directly, you can visit our shop to see all the products we sell.
If you would like to support the fund directly with a donation, please click on the donate button and follow the steps on the page we thank you for your support.
In 2024 through a partnership with explore4knowledge® and Educational Expeditions®, we will be launching a learning vacation series for schools, universities, and small groups, a portion of the profits from these tours will go towards Curiosity Fund as well.

We look forward to shipping our coffees to your doorstep and you sharing your expedience’s with us.
John & Team